Preparation for 6th grade

Advice is one thing you can’t have enough of for 6th grade,and I’m going to give you two very important pieces. My two pieces of advice are to always keep a schedule and always bring your supplies.

Always keep a schedule so you will not get lost and try to remember your schedule so it’s easy to get to your classes and not pull out a schedule all the time.If you forget your classes or your schedule you could easily get lost,and if you are late to a class you might be in trouble,and you may get a written up. I remembered my schedule so I didn’t have to look at it all the time and so I could know what class is next.

Another way how I got through 6th grade is that I had all my supplies,and I was ready to go,and if you don’t have your stuff ready you may get in trouble,and may even a write up. You don’t have your computer charge you will most likely get a written up for it. You can get projects done faster if you have your supplies than if you don’t.

You can always have more advice for 6th grade but this is the two most important. So always keep a schedule and always bring your supplies.