The Voice Around the World

Malala made her voice heard around the world,because she cares about other girls education. To start of with she wants her voice heard because she wants to stand up for girls rights to go to school.”So I said I now knew first hand the suffering off millions of children who are deprived of an education”.She was dedicated to her school even if she was did look different.”We could return to school as long as we kept ourselves covered in public”.These are some reasons why Malala wanted her voice heard around the world to show that girls can have an education to not only boys.

Malala’s fight for education

Education is important to Malala because she wants to show that she can get an education and prove that girls can to. For instance Malala wants to be first in every one of her events. ‘I was stunned that the new girl had gotten first.Malala just wanted an education to prove that other girls can to. ‘All I wanted was to just go to school and that is not a crime’.These are some reasons why Malala wants to have an education in life because she wants to stand up and show that she have a education as well as other girls.